What Is The Difference Between A Diamond And A Cubic Zirconia?
Cubic zirconia is a far less expensive man-made stone that resembles diamonds in appearance, but they are not the same. Cubic zirconia is a zirconium dioxide-based man-made mineral. CZs resemble diamonds in appearance, but their mineral structures are significantly different. Small quantities of cubic zirconia have been discovered in nature, but the great majority of the zirconias used in jewelry are man-made in a lab. Synthetic diamonds are manufactured in laboratories as well, however they have the same carbon structure as diamonds, but cubic zirconia does not.
There are various techniques to determine whether or not a diamond is genuine. Finally, the only way to be certain is to take it to a jeweler or gemologist who can test it using proper equipment. However, there are a few strategies you may apply at home to get a good prediction. Diamonds are harder than nearly any other substance, so they won't scratch or wear down - in fact, they'll scratch other objects. Look at the very margins of the facets of the stone using a microscope or magnifying lens; if they appear soft, abraded, or worn down, it is most likely not diamond. The facet edges of a diamond are generally razor-sharp and perfect. Examine the color of the light as it enters and exits the stone's surface. When you turn a diamond and a CZ upside down, the bottom of a diamond will reflect all colors of the rainbow, but CZs generally just have orange and blue flashes. This happens because cubic zirconia and diamonds have different refractive indexes. Diamonds also conduct heat differently than other stones: because diamonds are better at thermal transmission than other stones, they will warm up faster in your palm than cubic zirconia, which is more insulating.
This is the first stage in determining whether a cubic zirconia is attempting to imitate a diamond. While the two stones may appear to be identical to the untrained eye, there are some minor distinctions to be aware of. While many people mistakenly believe that a diamond must be flawless throughout, diamond experts know that even a 'white' diamond can have a yellow, gray, or brown tinge. This is what gives the D-Z color range its name: a M color white diamond, for example, will be somewhat yellower than a F color diamond. Cubic zirconia is more likely to be absolutely colorless, indicating that it is not a diamond. A diamond will also contain natural inclusions throughout the stone, indicating that it is real. In most cases, only a microscope can reveal these inclusions.
Despite the fact that these stones appear to be identical, their compositions are totally different. Consider the hardness of diamonds and cubic zirconia when determining the difference between the two. The hardest stone known to humankind is a diamond, whereas cubic zirconia is much softer. Carbon is found in diamonds, which contributes to their brilliance and hardness. You may also check the weight to see whether it's accurate. Although the size of a diamond and a cubic zirconia might be the same, cubic zirconias are somewhat denser and therefore weigh more.
The price is the ultimate red flag that things aren't quite right. Diamonds vary in price depending on their size and other criteria that determine the quality of a jewel, but they will always cost more than cubic zirconia. If the price of a piece of diamond jewelry seems too inexpensive for what you're getting, ask to check the certifications to be sure it's a real diamond and not a fake or synthetic masquerading as one. While the price is frequently the clearest difference between diamonds and cubic zirconia, you should use your common sense. A small diamond, for example, may be less expensive than a huge cubic zirconia stone. Of course, shopping through a trusted dealer is the best approach to prevent any traps. You can feel more confident about the diamonds you're adding to your collection if you develop a connection with a trustworthy jeweler.