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Interesting and Historical Facts About Jewelry 

Jewelry history is almost as old as the human species yet diamonds and gold have not always been known to men unlike their popularity today. Ancient people used to wear various materials as jewelry such as feathers, shells, bones, and stones until they learn how to cut, shape, and process diamonds and gold. It was not until the 14th century that the need for jewelry interestingly originated from their needs at the time. Rings for example carried the identification or seal of the owner’s family and brooches were functionally used for clasping their clothes together. Regardless of its usage and functionality, jewelry has always managed to be an integral part of human life since the dawn of time. Jewelry has been worn for many purposes ever since. People primarily used to wear them for good luck, protection, superstitions, as a form of identity, commitment, a sign of class and power, as poison rings, and so on. 

Let’s delve a bit deeper into how jewelry’s role was perceived among different civilizations. Civilizations as in Greek culture started discovering their surroundings and while doing so they started to give meanings to certain happenings and phenomena around them. Eventually, it came down to attributing values to those rare gems. Diamonds, for example, are named after the Greek word “adamas” which means indestructible and destined to last for eternity and outlive everyone and everything. Diamonds were also thought to be the “tears of gods” and ancient people thought diamonds were created when the earth was struck by natural phenomena like lightning and diamonds were particles of the lightning that struck the earth. Similar to the Greeks, Incas referred to gold as “tears of Sun” by making the correlation between nature and jewelry.

Besides diamonds, gold has remained important as ever and continued its reign by only transforming its shape into other versions of itself such as; coins, and money, yet always remained invaluable despite the time. Ancient Egypt jewelry was also an important jewelry tradition where gold played a predominant role. The famous discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, which was made out of gold and filled with invaluable treasures such as golden shrines, statues, clothing, weapons and men Egyptian jewelry, ancient Egyptian necklaces, also proves the importance of jewelry in ancient Egypt and how different attributions can be attached to jewelry based on human practices and beliefs. 

Regardless of their region, ancient people thought that those precious gems possessed mystical powers therefore they were often sought after by different civilizations. However, the role of historic jewelry was established as a symbol of status, and royalty once it became accessible to traders in the 10th century. In time, diamonds have also become the symbol of matrimony. Thus, many civilizations used jewelry as part of their different ceremonies, celebrations, or occasions. 

History About Jewelry

Inspired by Hellenistic jewelry tradition, Ancient Rome made use of jewelry to a great extent that would not be seen until the appearance of jewelry of the Renaissance which has sparked interest again. Gold rings which were worn by royalty and nobles at the time in Italy, shortly after adorned the fingers of the lower class as well. Later on, the Hellenistic impact on jewelry in ancient Rome left its place to a jewelry style and tradition that carried the characteristics of Italian culture.

In short, throughout its lifetime on earth, jewelry was adapted to human life, needs, traditions, and practices. To illustrate further, slavery jewelry, especially bracelets was also used as a form of commitment during slavery periods to show who the owners are.

How are diamonds formed? 

Diamond formations date back to over 3 billion years ago. They formed when high heat and pressure caused carbon atoms to crystalize and this created diamonds buried deep in the earth’s surface.

What are diamonds made of?

They are made of carbon atoms which create diamonds under high pressure and temperatures.

Where is a diamond found?

Diamond is currently found and produced in Australia, Brazil, China, Russia, South Africa, and Botswana. They are found in kimberlite rocks.

Is jewelry a good investment?

Good and expensive jewelry is definitely a good investment.

How long does it take for a diamond to form?

The natural diamond process is between 1 billion and 3.3 billion years.

How is jewelry made?

To cut and shape that precious gems, different methods and tools are used. Saw, wax casting and 3D, laser, and digital technologies are also employed during jewelry creation.

How are diamonds made from coal?

As a common misconception, many believe diamonds are formed out of coals. However this is not true, and in fact, diamonds are much older than the essential element of coal.

How are diamonds formed in nature?

Carbon which is located deep beneath the earth’s surface is exposed to high temperatures and pressures. As a result of this exposure, kimberlite and lamproite (also known as magma) are formed and forced to erupt to the surface of the world. With the volcanic eruption, diamond-carrying rocks are also carried out of the surface with magma.

Who invented jewelry?

As jewelry could be made out of precious gems and other materials such as shells and stones back in ancient days, it is not known for sure who invented the first jewelry. However, the earliest known history of jewelry can date back to 115.000 years ago, in Spain. This piece of jewelry was created by Neanderthals with beads.

Can diamonds be made?

Yes, diamonds are created in laboratories.

Why jewelry is important?

Jewelry has had different connotations and meanings attributed to them since the dawn of that time. Each civilization or region has its own beliefs and traditions that involved jewelry. That is why it has been an integral part of many civilizations since the creation of man.

When was jewelry made?

Even though there is no definitive time when it was first made, it dates back to almost 115.000 years ago. 

What is the history of jewelry? 

From its early years to the 21st century, jewelry has always evolved yet remained an important part of our lives. 

What was the first diamond ever found?

The origin of diamonds starts with The Eureka diamond was the first-ever diamond and it was discovered in 1867, in South Africa. Therefore diamond history dates back to 1867.

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